Live Your Best Lent at Visitation
Lent gives us time to think and reflect on how we are responding to Jesus’ call to love God and to love our neighbor. We recognize our need to change and to repent when we have sinned or not done our best. We ask God for a change of heart that we may live more fully and joyfully as Jesus has commanded us.
Lent is a time of grace when we FAST from what distracts us from following the Gospel, what distracts us from loving and growing in our faith. We turn to God and strive to deepen our relationship with him through PRAYER. We reach out to those in need through ALMSGIVING.
Make decisions, as individuals or as a family, about fasting, praying, and almsgiving throughout the Lenten season. Keep it simple and age appropriate. Gather some visuals to help you remember your Lenten commitments: a cross on or near your table, a purple cloth near the cross or your Bible, etc.
Visitation offers several opportunities to Live Your Best Lent.
• Learn more about Lent 101. Click here.
• The Daily Brief for Lent is a series of daily meditations based on the daily readings and read by our very own Visitation priests. We invite you to take 5-6 minutes of your day to listen and reflect. Watch in full screen, or even close your eyes. Beginning on Ash Wednesday, you can find the Daily Briefs here.
• Lent Unplugged: Beginning Tuesday, February 20, we will be offering Lent Unplugged. It is an hour long, here at the church, from 7 PM to 8 PM, time for quiet candlelit meditation with music and guided prayer, meant to help people reflect upon their life especially during the season of Lent. You are welcome to drop in for a few minutes, or to come for 1/2 hour, as long as you wish.
(Tuesdays in the church- 2/20, 2/27, 3/5, 3/12, 3/19)
• Amazed Lenten Bible Study Series: Join us on Wednesdays for a 10-part video Lectio series Eucharist: Discovering the Mass in the Bible study which takes place from 7 – 8:30pm in O’Sullivan Hall. Led by John Peterson, this study will engage your mind, faith, experience, and imagination, moving you beyond simply reading to reflection and response to God’s Word. Our first session is Wednesday, February 21.
(Wednesdays in O’Sullivan Hall- 2/21, 2/28, 3/6, 3/13, 3/20)
• Friday Encounter #3: Join us March 1, 6 – 8pm for Adoration, Talk, crafts and activities in Visitation Church and the O’Grady Center. Learn more.
• Stations of the Cross: Join us Fridays in Lent at 6 PM in the Church for a guided Stations of the Cross (Fridays in the Church: 2/16, 3/8, 3/15, 3/22, 3/29)
• Prepare the ALLELUIA to be buried or hidden for the 40 days of Lent. Click here.
• Read the parish bulletin for Lenten Practices and Guidelines here.