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Religious Education




Resource Materials


Resource Materials




Our goal as a program is to provide a setting that is safe, fun, engaging, and inviting in which students are encouraged to deepen their faith and relationship with God, the church community, and each other. We hope that our program helps teenagers to grow in their knowledge and excitement about their faith, and become more fully involved in the church community. We encourage students to challenge themselves and to ask tough questions about the faith. We also hope to instill an attitude of justice and service into all of our students as they prepare to become fully initiated into the Catholic Church. We pray that students who complete the Visitation Confirmation Program will be prepared to live out their catholic faith for the rest of their lives, always in search of God’s truth.

Our Program is a 2 year process in preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation that follows the Archdiocese of Los Angeles guidelines for Confirmation. Our curriculum for classes comes from Life Teen's Purpose Confirmation Program.

Visitation Church's Confirmation Program is designed to be flexible. We understand that teens have more and more demands for their time these days. That is why we have built in the ability to choose the sessions that work for you. This year there will be at least 20 sessions before the confirmation ceremony. Students will have the option to choose a minimum of 10 sessions that they are interested in attending. This way, students can choose topics that they are interested in as well as ones that fit their schedule. Sessions will be held on Sundays starting at 11:00pm and ending at 1:30pm. This includes attendance at the 11:00am mass. All sessions will be held in person unless we are directed otherwise. Service days will normally be held on Saturdays. Requirements to enter and complete the program can be found in the sections below.

The Confirmation Program at Visitation Church has these pre-registration requirements:

1. Students in our Confirmation program must be in high school throughout their participation in the two
year process. If you are a senior and wish to get confirmed, please speak to the Coordinator.

2. Students must have been baptized before starting Confirmation program. If student has not had their First Communion, please talk to program coordinator to set one up.

3. Copies of Baptism and First Communion certificates are required at the time of registration.

Click here to contact us for further information 



Formal religious education classes and sacramental preparation are provided for children from Grades pre-k - 8 throughout the year, in-person and on-line.

Classes meet on Sunday mornings from 9:15 – 10:45 starting in September through May.

Families wishing to register their children for Religious Education must be registered members of Visitation Parish at the time of registration. Parents of all new students must have a copy of their child(ren)’s baptism certificate (if the child was not baptized at Visitation). If a new student has already completed some PREP classes elsewhere, proof of attendance and dates for sacraments already completed are also needed.

First Holy Communion: Students entering the First Communion program should be at least 6 years old and in the 1st grade or higher. This is a two-year preparation program for students in the Parish Religious Education Program. 

Sacrament 1 First year of the Parish Religious Education program serves as the foundation for Sacrament 2. Students learn about God and their Catholic Faith. (Grade 1 – 2)

Sacrament 2 Second year of the Parish Religious Education program serves as preparation for children receiving the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion for the first time. (Grade 2 – 3)

Grades 3 – 8: Faith formation for grades 3 – 8 is designed to address the developmental and spiritual needs of students in each grade level. Students gain a better appreciation of our Faith, learn Scripture, prayer, and various Church teachings. Small group instruction and home catechesis is offered depending on minimum class size and the needs of the students. 

Older children and adolescents wishing to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion for the first time are enrolled in a separate class with their peers. This class also meets during the regularly scheduled PREP time. These students will follow the same schedule to receive their First Reconciliation and the First Holy Communion.

Special Needs Inclusion:  Visitation Parish is committed to the inclusion of students of all abilities.  All are welcome!  To the maximum extent possible, students with special needs are fully included in our programs at every grade level.  Partial inclusion and one-to-one catechesis are also available.  If you would like to speak with us prior to submitting your application, please contact 310-216-1145 or email us here.


Parent Faith Formation:  is offered once per month to provide parents with an opportunity to grow in our faith, and to encourage a fuller and richer experience of the presence of God in our lives.  We are committed to supporting you in your walk with Christ and your mission to raise your children in the Catholic faith.


For more information, please contact Debra Eileen Evans, Coordinator of Religious Education at this email or

call 310-216-1145.


We look forward to welcoming your family to our Parish Religious Education Program (PREP)! 

Download our registration form below. Fill out the form and email it to Debra.



Do you want to find out more about the Catholic faith?


Are you looking for meaning in your life during these unprecedented times?


Perhaps  you need to complete your sacraments.


Or maybe you know someone - a family member, neighbor or friend - who would like to know more about the Catholic Church.


RCIA is more than a course of instruction, it is a spiritual journey!


Please contact our RCIA team through Gilbert and Laura Trujillo HERE.


We welcome you!

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