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Snowy Night

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Sat. Dec. 2nd, Dec. 9th, Dec. 16th and Dec. 30th 3:00-4:00pm

Advent Penance Service: Mon. Dec. 18th 7:00pm

(No Confessions on Sat. Dec. 23rd)

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Sun. Dec. 24th

8:00am*, 9:30am, and 11:00am Mass

Christmas Masses

Sunday, Dec. 24th

4:00pm*, 6:00pm, and 10:00pm Mass

Monday Dec. 25th
9:00am* and 11:00am Mass

New Year's Masses

Sunday Dec. 31st

8:00am*, 9:30am, and 11:00am Mass

(No Vigil Mass)

Monday Jan. 1st

8:00am* Mass

*These Masses will also be Live-streamed

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