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In-person Masses:

Saturday at 5pm

Sunday at 8, 9:30, and 11am

Weekdays at 8am 

Live-streamed Masses:

Weekdays at 8am

Sundays at 8am


September 2024

Please be sure to keep in your prayers those who have died.

 Click here for funeral announcements.


End of Summer Fun is this Friday, September 13th

from 5:30-9:30pm in the Visitation Parking Lot. 

There will be activities for the kids, DJ, food trucks, beer and wine.

Bring your friends and neighbors to this exciting community event.


Registrations are open for all of our Faith Formation Programs, which will begin this month.

They include our Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) for students in Grades Jk/K – 8,

including Sacrament Preparation. Our Confirmation Program for Highschool students

and the OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults) welcoming all who are considering

becoming Catholic and adult Catholics who have not yet been confirmed, as well as anyone

who would like to grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus and His Church. 

Please click here to Register today. 


Volunteers are needed to serve in our Faith Formation Programs. If you have a heart for Jesus, and for spreading the Good News to children, teens, or adults please contact Debra Evans, Director of Religious Education and Sacrament Preparation at  


Christian Meditation

We’ve all heard about the vast benefits of mindfulness meditation.

But did you know there’s a similar way to pray/meditate in our ancient Christian tradition?

Join Fr. Francis via Zoom Wednesdays from 8:00pm - 8:30pm.

For the Zoom link, please email Fr. Francis:


Fr. Jim's Mindfulness Moments

If you have a moment, please join Mindful Moments with Fr. Jim Forsen

as he shares his insightful reflections on the weekly readings. 



Signup for online Giving at Faith Direct by texting the word "Enroll" to 310-361-1262



Take a virtual walking tour of the church.

Stop at the 5 green circles along the way for information from Father Jim.

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